
Learn to manage a business’ supply-side activities in order to maximize cus汤姆er value 和 gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace with the 工商管理学士学位,供应链管理专业 从PG电子试玩平台APP的 福克斯商学院. 作为一名毕业生, you will have the ability to direct the efficient flow of goods 和 services from suppliers 和 manufacturers directly to retailers 和 consumers.

Supply chain management professionals focus on every facet of the business process from 规划 和 forecasting to purchasing, 产品组装, 销售和客户服务. 的y strive to achieve a sustainable advantage by building 和 delivering products more efficiently to cus汤姆ers at a better value than competitors. 通过这个学位,你将掌握供应链管理的基本知识, 包括分销策略, 规划, 和采购, 同时也在努力沟通, 领导和谈判技巧.

的 供应链管理工商管理学士学位 is intended for students who are interested in the study of control, 设计, 执行, 监控和计划供应链活动的目标

  • 建设有竞争力的基础设施,
  • 创造净值;
  • 利用全球物流,
  • 衡量全球和
  • 供需同步.

的 curriculum is complemented by seminars 和 career fairs where students learn best practices from industry leaders 和 identify areas of interest for their careers. 了解更多实习和机会.

这个本科课程分为主修和辅修两种, providing students the flexibility to pursue their studies full time or as part of a full course load alongside another Fox degree program.


Supply chain management is both an art 和 a science; it is a discipline focused on 规划 和 forecasting, 采购及产品装配, 移动, 存储, 分布, 销售和客户服务——简而言之, all of the activities necessary to get the right products 和 services into the right h和s, 适量的, 在合适的时间,以合适的价格.

An increased focus on sustainability is an integral part of PG电子试玩平台’s efforts to advance the future of supply chain management education. 的 next generation of supply chain managers will underst和 that a company does not exist simply to maximize return on investment capital; other factors, 包括废物管理和能源利用, 在任何公司的日常工作中发挥关键作用, a successful supply chain takes the full breadth 和 depth of a company’s impact into consideration from the outset.


的 供应链管理 is a 12-credit program open to all business majors who want to supplement their knowledge of supply chain management 和 learn to direct the efficient flow of goods 和 services from suppliers 和 manufacturers to retailers 和 consumers. 它非常适合那些有足够的创新能力去创造性思考的学生, 然而足够细致,可以预测更大的前景. 辅修课程是福克斯几个专业的有力补充,包括


类 & 课程

供应链管理专业要求124个教学学分. 你将学习的核心课程包括

  • 全球创业,
  • 库存和仓库管理,
  • 供应链管理原理,
  • 采购及采购,
  • 运输与物流管理.



的 Supply Chain Management Degree is available as an online BBA degree completion program 设计ed for new 和 continuing students.




学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, the Bachelor of Business Administration offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


宾夕法尼亚州居民: $22,824.00 /年
州外: $41,544.00 /年

学生俱乐部 & 组织