Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies

The Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies in the Lew Klein College of Media and Communication at Temple University offers students a unique, interdisciplinary opportunity to study communication. In our Communication Studies degree program, students gain an in-depth understanding of the ever-changing world of communication, while simultaneously focusing on skills that support their personal academic and career interests. Some of the communication skills obtained through this degree program include

  • communicating through multimedia;
  • communication policies and regulations;
  • managing client relationships; and
  • relationships between communication and the public.

Through our degree program’s cross-cultural curriculum, 学生通过学院内不同部门的镜头学习传播的实践和理论. And with the flexibility of our program, 学生将能够探索沟通在各种行业中扮演的不同角色——从创业和社会运动到技术和倡导. 你也有机会产生影响,并通过推广直接参与到项目中, recruiting and leading the Communication Studies major—creating a one-of-a-kind educational experience.

What sets apart our Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies?

  • A flexible, student-oriented program: Not only does our program allow students to learn from multiple areas in Klein College, they also have access to various field experiences, internships and study away opportunities. From heavy involvement with our student-athletes, to strong connections to one of the largest Pride celebrations in North America, to the ability to thrive and fully complete the program at our Japan campus—the goal of the Communication Studies program is for you to get the most out of your education.
  • Award-winning national honors society: Our program’s chapter of Lambda Pi Eta, the official student honors society, has been named 2020 Chapter of the Year. Established in 2012, 我们不断的努力和创造性的举措使我们的分会在全国500多个其他分会中脱颖而出. Students in our program’s chapter have often earned full-paid positions by the time they graduate.
  • Our renowned faculty在整个项目期间,学生可以直接与传播学主任一起工作. With the program director, Scott Gratson, they are able to make their program experience as unique as they are. And, due to the interdisciplinary nature of the program, faculty from across the college work with students to access a diverse array of companies, 组织和专业人士帮助他们开始在这个行业的职业生涯,或者走上更高学位的道路.
  • Endless post-graduation opportunities:从Klein的各个部门了解到沟通在这个领域中扮演的不同角色, students will be prepared for a number of careers and graduate programs after they complete their degree.
Picture of Gillian Black, KLN ’21

Gillian Black, KLN ’21

Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies

In her Argumentation Advocacy course, Gillian worked with classmates to research parental incarceration in Philadelphia. She credits Klein with providing opportunities to explore diverse subjects. “I’ve been able to explore different, interdisciplinary topics throughout the Communication Studies program,” she said. Gillian, who is on the program’s Entrepreneurship track, plans to pursue a career in fashion journalism.

Read more.

Classes & Curriculum

Students in the program complete 124 credits, 包括至少42学分的传播学课程和至少9学分的外语课程. Some of the major courses include

  • Communication and Public Life,
  • Media and Society, and
  • Special Topics in Communication and Social Influence.

Learn more about courses and requirements for the Communication Studies Major.


Communication Studies

辅修传播学是一个18学分的课程,侧重于媒体的学术和跨学科研究. 你将探索沟通在克莱因学院各个领域和学科中所扮演的角色,同时学习沟通作为一个整体的总体概念. 修读传播学辅修课程的学生将拥有通过大量研究生课程或从事各种角色和机会继续接受教育的技能和知识. Learn more about the Communication Studies minor.


Scott Gratson, director of Communication Studies, is the program contact for this minor.
Phone: 215-204-6434

International Communication

The International Communication minor, which is restricted to students outside of Klein College, provides experience in international and intercultural communication and media. Through this 20-credit minor, students develop competencies in cultural sensitivity and intercultural communication. Typically held in-person on Temple’s domestic campuses, this minor may be supplemented with study abroad coursework. Learn more about the Minor in International Communication.


In the Communication Studies program, students can choose to focus on a concentration that shapes their curriculum and learning outcomes. By selecting one of the following concentrations, you can take courses that are tailored to your goals and interests, and get on the path that is best for you once you complete the program.

  • Communication Studies Thesis

    传播学论文轨道是理想的学生谁想要一个跨学科的课程,满足他们的个人兴趣,但超出了其他轨道在程序. 论文轨道允许您与克莱因学院部门最适合您的兴趣的指导老师单独工作,以建立一个对您和您的个人独特的课程, educational and professional goals. The curriculum should contain five courses, four of which must be upper-level and include courses from at least three Klein College majors. 你的个性化课程和你选择的课程应该设计成最后一年的论文. Learn more about the Communication Studies Thesis track.

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  • Communication and Entrepreneurship

    Through the Communication and Entrepreneurship track, students study the relationship between communication and free enterprise. The curriculum focuses on the communicative and functional components of entrepreneurship, and dives into how organizational development affects the field. Through courses in business, ethics, 法律和技术您将获得在创业环境中茁壮成长所需的技能,并了解资本主义在该领域的影响. Learn more about the Communication and Entrepreneurship track.

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  • Contemporary Media Environments

    当代媒体环境课程让学生全面了解传播方法的历史演变——从旋转式印刷机到广播, the internet and beyond. Students study the way these methods of communication shape life around them and all over the globe. The track also introduces students to theories on the relationship between media technology and society. Learn more about the Contemporary Media Environments track.

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  • Global Civil Society

    Examine the emergence of global civil society including social movements, historical development and the growing international public sphere. 这个传播研究课程为学生提供了对全球媒体景观的深入了解, international relations, public diplomacy and public opinion. Learn more about the Global Civil Society track.

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  • International Communication

    PG电子试玩平台专业(ICC)的学生将获得国际和跨文化交流和媒体的理论和实践教育. A unique opportunity for Klein students, 该计划允许您通过反思自己的文化镜头获得文化敏感性和跨文化交际的技能和知识. 参加ICC课程的学生通过国际和跨文化导向的课程获得不同视角的启发. The program is offered on Temple’s domestic campuses, but students can supplement some coursework while studying abroad.

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  • Policy, Regulation and Advocacy

    The Policy, 监管与倡导课程研究传播领域的公民倡导,以及不同政策法规对公民倡导的影响. Through this track, 通过对艺术和表演的考察,您将深入了解传播政策中公民倡导的开创性例子, civic journalism, and social movements. 您还可以了解与环境问题相关的特殊利益集团的历史和近期事件, ethnicity, gender, race and sexual orientation.

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  • Production

    “制作”课程概述了媒体制作中使用的各种技术——从传统方法到当前的多媒体平台. 学生们扩展了他们的沟通知识,并发展了在包括电影制作在内的各种专业领域取得成功所需的技能, television and radio. In this track, you develop an in-depth understanding of fiction and nonfiction narratives, as well as how media components such as audio, editing and photography contribute to attention-grabbing media production. Currently, the Production track is only available to Temple Japan students.

Tuition & Fees

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, 文学学士学位提供具有竞争力的学费水平,并有多种经济支持机会.

Tuition rates are set annually by the university and are affected by multiple factors, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. You can view the full Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.

These tuition costs apply to the 2023–2024 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $19,728.00 per year
Out-of-state: $34,176.00 per year